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Continue without acceptingWe thank all our public, private and not for profit partners, without whom DUO for a JOB could not exist. It is by working closely with all of them, in an open way, that DUO’s actions take on their full meaning.
Thanks also to ABVV, ACV, ADDE, Amnesty International Belgium, Armen Tekort, Art2Work, Ashoka, Atelier des droits sociaux, BAO élan vital, Basse-Meuse Développement, Be.Face, BeCode, Beweging.net, Boost, Brusseleer, Cap Migrants, Caritas International, CAW Antwerpen, CAW- Oost Vlaanderen, CBAI, Cefora, Centre liégeois de formation, Centrum Leren en Werken, Centrum voor basiseducatie, CIRE, CONEXX, Connect2work, Convivial, CSC, CVO, De Community, De Foyer, De Singel, ENAIP Liège, Enéo, EPFC, Espace Senior, EVA, EXIL asbl, FEB, Fédération des Services Sociaux, FGTB, Form@XL, Foyer des Jeunes des Marolles, French-Connect, Groep Intro, Het Perspectief, IEPSCF, In-Gent, Infor Jeunes, IRFAM, JES, Jesuit Refugee Service, Karel De Grote Hogeschool, Kologa, La Belle Diversité, La Venerie, Le CEPAJ, Le Foyer, Le Guide Social, Le Piment, Les Amis d’Accompagner, Levanto, Lions’s Club, Lire et Ecrire, Live in color, MAKS, Médecins du Monde, Médecins Sans Frontières, Mentor Escale, MicroStart, Minderhedenforum / Mentor2work, Minor-Ndako, Opéra Ballet Vlaaderen, Opéra Royal de Wallonie, ORBIT, Phare asbl, Plateforme citoyenne de soutien aux réfugiés, Point d’Appui, RANA, Ras-el-Hanout, Refu Interim, Refugees Got Talent, Réseau Entreprendre, Rotary, SAM, Samman, SECES, SINGA Belgium, Sociale Innovatievefabriek, SOFFT, SST vzw, Starterslabo, Sterpunt Inclusief Ondernemen, Steunpunt Tewerkstelling, TADA, Talent2connect, TeachForBelgium, Team4Job, Tracé Brussel, TYN asbl, UDA, Ulysse, Université du 3ème âge, VIA, Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen, Vredeshuis Gent, Werkplekarchitecten Werkvormm, YouthStart.
We mustn’t forget all the different individuals who support us financially, nor those who use their time, skills, talents and networks to help us grow our project. Thank you very much!
“We mustn’t forget all the different persons who support us financially, nor those who use their time, skills, talents and networks to help us grow our project. Thank you very much!”
Anne, mentor at DUO