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  • Our partners

    We thank all our public, private and not for profit partners, without whom DUO for a JOB could not exist. It is by working closely with all of them, in an open way, that DUO’s actions take on their full meaning.

    Our public partners

    Our private sector partners

    Our certifications

    Our not for profit partners

    Thanks also to ABVVACVADDEAmnesty International BelgiumArmen TekortArt2WorkAshokaAtelier des droits sociauxBAO élan vitalBasse-Meuse DéveloppementBe.FaceBeCodeBeweging.netBoostBrusseleerCap MigrantsCaritas InternationalCAW AntwerpenCAW- Oost VlaanderenCBAICeforaCentre liégeois de formationCentrum Leren en WerkenCentrum voor basiseducatieCIRECONEXXConnect2workConvivialCSCCVODe CommunityDe FoyerDe SingelENAIP LiègeEnéoEPFCEspace SeniorEVAEXIL asblFEBFédération des Services SociauxFGTBForm@XLFoyer des Jeunes des MarollesFrench-ConnectGroep IntroHet PerspectiefIEPSCFIn-GentInfor JeunesIRFAMJESJesuit Refugee ServiceKarel De Grote HogeschoolKologaLa Belle DiversitéLa VenerieLe CEPAJLe FoyerLe Guide SocialLe PimentLes Amis d’AccompagnerLevantoLions’s ClubLire et EcrireLive in colorMAKSMédecins du MondeMédecins Sans FrontièresMentor EscaleMicroStartMinderhedenforum / Mentor2workMinor-NdakoOpéra Ballet VlaaderenOpéra Royal de WallonieORBITPhare asblPlateforme citoyenne de soutien aux réfugiésPoint d’AppuiRANARas-el-HanoutRefu InterimRefugees Got TalentRéseau EntreprendreRotarySAMSamman, SECES, SINGA BelgiumSociale InnovatievefabriekSOFFTSST vzwStarterslaboSterpunt Inclusief OndernemenSteunpunt TewerkstellingTADATalent2connectTeachForBelgiumTeam4JobTracé BrusselTYN asblUDAUlysseUniversité du 3ème âgeVIAVluchtelingenwerk VlaanderenVredeshuis GentWerkplekarchitecten WerkvormmYouthStart.

    We mustn’t forget all the different individuals who support us financially, nor those who use their time, skills, talents and networks to help us grow our project. Thank you very much!

    “We mustn’t forget all the different persons who support us financially, nor those who use their time, skills, talents and networks to help us grow our project. Thank you very much!”

    Anne, mentor at DUO