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  • External publications

    DUO for a JOB works with the academic sector, research organisations and other NGOs to share our experience and ensure an integrated approach to our work. 

    Recherche sur les pistes d’emplois des jeunes dans les cinq grandes villes belges en pĂ©riode post-covid | 2022

    Dorsimont, Arnaud

    Outcome-based contract ppps: un’opportunità d’investimento per sostenere l’innovazione sociale ed economica. Analisi di un caso di studio: “DUO for a JOB Social Impact Bond” | 2022

    Ibrahim, Paola

    Mentoring in Europe: Towards an inclusive society, connecting cultures and generations | 2022

    Mentoring Europe

    Mentoring migrant talent to work: a conceptual and empirical framework | 2022

    De Cuyper, Peter

    Sustainable approaches to poverty I 2022

    Van Cauter, Joël & Jean Hindriks (Itinera)

    Mentoring as a Pathway to Labour Market Integration: Evidence from a Belgian Programme I 2022

    Bagnoli, L et al.

    Employment and Job Creation in Belgium, France, and Luxembourg: Analysis, vulnerable groups and solutions I 2021

    Degroof Petercam Foundation

    Synthesis report: The integration of migrants: Spotlight on skills intelligence and learning, housing, women and children I 2021

    European Commission

    Inclusion of people of foreign origin in the labour market, Assessment of policies in Wallonia | 2021


    Campaign #BuddiesWithRefugees | 2020

    UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

    Inclusion of people of foreign origin in the labour market, Assessment of policies in Wallonia | 2020


    Series of editorials on migration and integration, coinciding with the OECD conference “Policy Making for Migration and Integration” | 2020

    The Forum Network

    Mentoring Labour Market Integration of Migrants: Policy Insights from a Survey of Mentoring Theory and Practice | 2020


    Public-private partnerships for skills development. A gouvernance perspective.Volume II. Case studies. | 2020

    European Training Foundation

    DUO for a JOB mentioned as ‘best practice’ | 2019


    Leveraging: Mentoring to work in the mainstream economy | 2019


    How the ESF can advance migrant integration: key learning from the ESF Thematic Network on Migrants | 2019


    European Migration Network annual report on labour market integration of third country nationals | 2018

    European Migration Network

    DUO for a JOB listed as ‘best practice’ | 2017


    Report “The SSE and the challenge of demographic ageing” | 2016

    La Fonda | Futuribles International